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25 Jan 2016 Many take-offs involve launching in turbulent or thermic air, and the glider is most vulnerable to deflations when not fully loaded and directly overhead. Therefore the two most critical factors to a safe lift-off are having the glider fully loaded and having it directly overhead. Understanding this principle is the
Previous experience paragliding is not required by passengers. In fact, all passengers will receive brief instructions prior to take-off concerning the actual take-off, flight and landing. All of our tandem pilots are professionally trained and fully licensed by the Swiss Paragliding Association. Our pilots' many years of
2 Apr 2007
In the first days of training you can begin building an attitude where self reliance and correctly timed caution and vulnerability are included on your priority list. During each launch, have the ability and be prepared to abort quickly if any factor does not feel right or goes wrong. . Get thorough and complete instruction:.
Paraglider wings come in different sizes. The size of wing you fly will depend on what your "Takeoff Weight" is. Your Takeoff Weight is the weight of everything that you will have with you fly. This includes your clothes, harness, wing, flight.
For pilots who may not want the added weight or fuss of a backpack, some modern harnesses include the ability to turn the harness inside out such that it becomes a backpack. Paragliders are unique among human-carrying aircraft in being easily portable. The complete equipment packs into a rucksack and can be carried
There are skills and knowledge not covered in this text that, without an understanding, can lead to your death or the death of the sport. Airspace rules, many emergencies, weather, equipment adjustments and more are not included here. You must seek out that information separate from this primer. For more information, see
If you want to paraglide, and you want the best instruction available, then you want Eagle. There are Benefits include continuing education, and priority invitations to our world class tours. We use numerous "top landing" perches within reach of a re-launch and can put down in some pretty tight spots when necessary.
If the wing manual says the weight range is between 60-80KG does that include the weight of the wing as well? or is it just the pilot ahhh and do not forget boots water food and anything is with you. the best is to be dressed like for the flight and step on a balance with your full equipment on the shoulder.

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